News from District Councillor Mary Green
Dear All,
A Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year to you all!
At the forefront of nearly everyone's mind is the issue of flooding.
Fortunately, there has been minimal ingress of flood waters within my ward, others, such as Ruskington have not been so lucky.
Norton Disney has had standing water at the junction of Norton road and Norton Disney road which caused problems for a couple of vehicles, however the road is now clear and passable.
Bassingham had problems with standing water on Carlton road and two properties suffered water ingress , both on Bakers Lane. There has been standing water in numerous locations throughout this village. Which leads onto the current planning application 23/1460/OUT at Whites Lane Bassingham. For those who don't know this is the last field on the left before Whites Lane when travelling from Carlton le Moorland towards Bassingham. The Bassingham PC have been battling since before 2019 to stop residential development on this site. The PC are working to remove this site from the Bassingham Neighbourhood Development Plan - it was already deemed an allocated site in the CLLP before the village NDP became made so at the time they were unable to de-allocate it. The point is any development of up to 35 dwellings on this site will affect not only Bassingham in terms of flooding and drainage but also the wider communities such as Carlton le Moorland whose drainage systems connect to Bassingham etc. If residents would like to make comment on this application, they should do so before 14 January 2024
These extreme weather events appear to be occurring more frequently & there has never been a greater need for the Environment Agency, AWA and the Internal Drainage Boards to unite with Central Government and work to resolve the long-term issues that we face.
This problem will not go away on its own.
Lincolnshire County Council are the Lead Local Flood Authority please ensure any flooding, flood risk or flooded highway is reported to LCC o 01522 782082.
• Devolution - A roadshow is underway for residents to find out more about what this ‘devolution deal’ means for the area and today Wednesday 10 January, it is stopping at Sleaford at The Source, Southgate from 3pm to 7pm. They will be in Lincoln at The Showroom, Tritton Road on Thursday 25 January 2024 3pm - 7pm.
• Sleaford’s Repair Cafe, run by Sleaford Climate Action Network is returning in 2024. You can take along small items - electrical, toys, clothing & textiles, IT equipment, bicycles etc for a free repair by experienced volunteers. The Cafe is open from 12.30 - 3.00pm at the Riverside Church Hall, Southgate on - 20 January, 16 March, 18 May, 20 July, 21 September & 16 November. Any enquiries call 07962 360581.
• There will be an election taking place on Thursday 2 May 2024 to choose the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner - please remind residents of the need to register to vote.
• Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is an international day that takes place on 27 January 2024. The theme 0f 2024’s HMD is ‘Fragility of freedom”.
• NK has again been identified as one of the happiest places in the UK. The Office of National Statistics findings published in late November 2023 placed it first out of 308 council areas for how happy people said they were at the time; and third overall when four factors were combined. In December NK was highlighted within the top ten safest places to live based on levels of violent crime. The district has been in the top ten safest places to live for nine successive years.
• Applications are now open for the Small Business Grant. The initiative has been designed to support small businesses by offering grants of up to 40% of eligible costs, facilitating their ambitions to grow. Grants available from £500 to £5,000 with a minimum project cost of £1,250.
I hope to see you all soon at the various parish meetings.
Best wishes
Cllr Mary Green
Executive Board Member for Finance, Governance and Democracy
Ward: Member for Bassingham Rural
Mob: 07971 549905 or 07971 171554
Email: cllr_Mary_Green@n-kesteven.gov.uk