November 2021 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 15th November 2021 in the Village Hall.

Those attending were:    

Parish Councillors

Clive Moles
Pat Gibson
Roy Husemeyer

The Parish Clerk

M Salmon

County Cllr 

Marianne Overton

Apologies for absence

District Cllrs Mary Green and Russell Eckert and Parish Cllrs Vanessa Hall and Tracey Whitton.

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 20th September 2021 were signed as a true and correct record.

Matters arising


County Councillor’s Report

Marianne had just returned from ‘Cop 26’ on which she gave a full report both verbally and subsequently in her monthly emailed reports.

District Councillors’ Reports

Both Councillors submitted reports in their absence which have been circulated.

Richard Fenwick – Lincolnshire Highways

Richard briefly explained the organisation + some statistics. 48 directly employed staff, 8k miles of roads in the county ( largest in UK ), 60k potholes repaired annually. Due to funding shortfalls around 30% of the County’s roads are in ‘poor condition’. Gross annual budget is £20m + £46m ‘capital pot’ – but needs an additional £20m to make a significant difference to the condition of rural roads especially. He provided costing differences of £40 / sq m for resurfacing compared to £2 / sq m for gritting.

This was followed by a lengthy Q&A session dominated by the condition of the Parish’s roads and signpost repairs. Other than some ‘emergency’ pothole repairs carried out after Richard’s visit, following his inspection of Clay Lane, Folly Lane and Wood Lane it would appear that no significant works will be carried out for 2 years, unless there is a substantial increase in the County’s budget.

Villa Farm outline application for 2 houses in the homestead

Richard Parker outlined the submission made by the Norton Disney History and Archaeology Group in respect of the above application, emphasising the potential importance of the area from an historical viewpoint, suggesting that far more excavation work is required to evaluate this aspect prior to a decision being made by NKDC.

Since when the Parish Council has submitted its own remarks, essentially agreeing with the above.

Planning Applications/Decisions in the period 20/09/21 – 15/11/21

Applications approved:

PL / 0130 / 21  - Cemex @ Swinderby Airfield.

21/1248/FUL – Oakhill Leisure.

Applications awaiting a decision:

PL/0105 /21 – Embryo Angling Habitats – installation of a Main Entrance Gate, other gates, lodge and welfare facilities, toilet block and composting toilets.

21/1569/HOUS – 2 Main street – proposed 2 storey side extension.

21/1426/OUT – Villa Farm – details above.

Financial Report 

As at 22/10/2021 funds in the Community account stood at £2209.95  after making payments of £668.99 since the last meeting in September, £500 of which was a donation to the Norton Disney History and Archaeology Group in respect of an information lectern. Funds received during the period were  £960.97 from NKDC in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy, details of which can be found on the Notice Board. 

Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 10th November 2021 were £6636.47. The deposit rate is 0.35%.

Parish Xmas tree

A decision was made to purchase an Xmas tree for the village.

Councillors comments / AOB 

Comment was made by a public member attending concerning a double decker bus collecting school children from the village which is finding it difficult to turn round because of its size.

In previous meetings, speeding into the village on Newark road has been mentioned, following which this issue has been taken up by our County Cllr and after a concerted attempt to remedy the problem, LCC are proposing to impose a 30mph limit between Witham Prospect School and the village, which the Parish Council supports.

Next Meeting

Monday 17th January 2022 @ 19.00 hrs

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 21.50 hrs.