July 2019 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 15th July 2019 in the Village Hall.

Those attending were:

Parish Councillors
Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Tracey Whitton
Clive Moles
Roy Husemeyer
And 7 members of the public.

The Parish Clerk
M Salmon

County and District Councillors
Marianne Overton MBE
Mary Green

Apologies for absence

District Cllr Chris Spray

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of both the Annual and Parish meetings held on 13th May 2019 were signed as true and correct records.

Matters arising / Police Report

Under matters arising, a discussion took place on the subject of speeding through the village especially with school holidays about to begin and whether children could use their artistic abilities to draw motorists attention to this problem. Subsequently, relevant posters have been produced bylocal children and displayed on Main Street through the holiday period.

No police report was available for the meeting. However Sarah Lingard sent one on 17th July stating 2 incidents in May – vehicular damage to crops on Brills Farm on 19th and the theft of a trailer on Main Street on 25th.

County & District Councillors’ Reports

County Cllr Marianne Overton mentioned an increased budget for highways in the County for 2019/20 among other matters, details of which can be found in her monthly newsletter.

District Cllr Mary Green raised several matters which are ongoing, including consultation on and revision of the Central Lincolnshire Plan, investment projects in the District and discussion on possible ways of reducing carbon footprint in the area.

Presentation by Michael Orridge / Cole & Cole Partnership

Following the granting of Planning Appeal reference 18/1421/OUT, Mr Orridge told the meeting that the design for the dwelling will be single storey and there will be no roof lights.

Peter Cole said the Cole & Cole Partnership wished to work with the village for the benefit of the community. However, Cllr Tracey Whitton pointed out that this sentiment was at odds with what was actually happening on their land. Although the Environment Agency had apparently been satisfied that products stored on their land broke no regulations so far as they were concerned, it was pointed out that neighbours to the property felt it was being used as a dumping ground’ for discarded buildings products, which was no way to engender goodwill. In reply, Mr Cole said he would arrange for the offending items to be removed.

Mr Cole asked for a reply to his ‘goodwill offer’ by the end of July, which has been done. In essence, it was decided to take each proposal on its merits, thereby maintaining the Parish’s neutrality and integrity.

Presentation by Mark Jarvis, Embryo Angling Habitats Ltd.

Mark updated the meeting on the progress of work at Tonges Farm, where fishing is proposed to commence on 1st September. Signs are being made for the proposed footpaths and EAH are working with Hill Holt Wood to create footpaths through Norton Bigwood.

Bomber County Gateway Trust update

Cllr Clive Moles updated the meeting on progress, Steel fabrication was scheduled for the autumn,since when it would appear that this work has been brought forward so that the construction phaseis imminent.

Fundraising continues, having received contributions from Collingham and Waitrose.

Update on Lincoln Protein Ltd.

The Skellingthorpe application was rejected by NKDC at a recent planning meeting. The one made by Lincoln Protein is not now likely to be brought before LCC until 2020.

Planning Applications/Decisions

Application 19/0728/FUL on the border with Thurlby Parish for a caravan park. We will follow Thurlby’s lead on this issue.

Purchase of a SID? To include Thurlby?

It was agreed to purchase 2 SID’s plus 6 brackets, one for each Parish and both similar to those recently purchase by Bassingham, models DF11MCB @ £2038 each + vat, brackets and installation costs. Payment would be from funds held in the Skipton Building Society. Thurlby Parish would reimburse our Parish following delivery for their part.

Financial Report

As at 28th June 2019 funds in the Community account stood at £2596.65 having made payments of £1490.97 since the last meeting. Business Premium account stood £1.14. Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 11/04/2019 were £7833.62.

Councillors comments / AOB

In a further effort to deter motorists from speeding in the Parish, it was agreed that we should apply for a 30mph limit on the Newark road starting at the entrance for Norton Disney Hall.

Cllr Moles mentioned that a small tree on Main Street appeared to be dying. It was agreed to replace it with a sapling at the appropriate time of year.

With regard to the Local Plan Review, Cllr Mary Green said she would send Bassingham’s response to Cllr Vanessa Hall, prior to our response being sent. Both have since been done.

The Village Bench was moved on Sunday 14th July to a position adjacent to the Phone Box, almost opposite the Village Hall and David Kendall has subsequently been asked if he would kindly give it some TLC. He has duly obliged to both the above and the one in the Parish cemetery.

Next Meeting

The date of the next Parish meeting was arranged for MONDAY 16th September 2019.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 22 hrs.