March 2020 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 16th March 2020 in the Village Hall.

Those attending were:

Parish Councillor
Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Roy Husemeyer
And 5 members of the public.

The Parish Clerk
M Salmon

County and District Councillors
Chris Spray

Apologies for absence
County Cllr Marianne Overton
District Cllr Mary Green
Cllr Tracey Whitton
Cllr Clive Moles

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the Parish meeting held on 22/01/2020 were signed as a true and correct record.

Matters arising


County & District Councillors’ Reports

District Cllr Chris Spray in his report mentioned the current work of the Boundary Commission, the Heritage weekend of 28/29 March when Mrs Smith’s House will be reopened to the public and Council tax rates for 2020/21 increasing by approx 3% amongst other matters.

Talk by Guy Hird from Witham Internal Drainage Board

Guy outlined the role of the IDB, its’ structure, area covered and funding.

Briefly, there are several Witham IDB’s covering all the low level land adjacent to the river in the County which includes land and ditches adjoining Clay lane. They maintain the key drains and pumps in their respective areas. The river Witham itself is the responsibility of the Environment Agency.

Funding is via Drainage rates payable by the occupiers of the land covered by the IDBs plus a special levy included in Council tax. This covers office and direct labour force expenses. They are run by Boards, which include farmers and councillors, act as agents for Lincolnshire CC and have enforcement powers by statute.

Bomber County Gateway Trust update

Cllr Clive Moles sent a comprehensive report which was read out by Cllr Vanessa Hall and is attached.

Planning Applications/Decisions

No applications during the period. On Monday 3rd February, Lincolnshire CC unanimously rejectedLincoln Protein’s application ( Ref PL/0036/18) for a Rendering Plant on Villa Farm, Folly lane.

Financial Report

As at 16th March 2020 funds in the Community account stood at £1232.85 having made paymentsof £262.38 since the last meeting, excluding receipts and payments relating to SID/Thurlby Parish as detailed below. Business Premium account stood at £1.14. Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 16th March 2020 were £6588.69 having received a VAT refund of £ 928.60 and a donation of £1301.50 from Thurlby Parish.


A discussion took place on whether to purchase one following Neil Patchett’s presentation last year. Having considered his latest prices for various size lecterns, it was suggested that one could be made for less money and the meeting decided that a further investigation be carried out to see if this can be achieved.

Councillors comments / AOB

Several matters raised. It was mentioned earlier in the meeting that some fencing above a culvert on the Carlton le Moorland road just outside the village had perished and needed to be reported toHighways.

It was reported that correspondence had been sent to NKDC Environmental Health Dep’t regarding the state of the ‘Turkey Farm’ sheds on Newark road.

The state of the Parish Notice Board was raised – it was neither water tight nor easy to close, which, due to inclement winter weather, has led to documents being almost illegible. There followed a brief discussion on the possibility of purchasing or making a new one.

The prominence of newly constructed kerbstones on the drive leading to Village Farm, Newark road was mentioned. District Cllr Chris Spray said that he would take up both this issue and the Turkey Farm with staff at NKDC. Since when correspondence regarding both has been seen and circulated, but, with severe movement restrictions being imposed nationwide so soon after the meeting it will be difficult to expect swift progress on either matter.

Cllr Pat Gibson reported a broken speed sign on Swinderby road which will be reported.

Cllr Vanessa Hall enquired as to the state of progress initiating a speed limit on Newark road. The Clerk had been told by LCC that the matter must be dealt with through the relevant County Councillor and so a request was made to follow this up, which has since been done

Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting, both AGM and Parish was arranged for Monday 18th May 2020 SUBJECT TO REVIEW IN LIGHT OF CURRENT MEETING RESTRICTIONS.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 20.50 hrs.