July 2020 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 20th July 2020 in the Village Hall.

Those attending were:

Parish Councillors
Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Roy Husemeyer
Tracey Whitton

The Parish Clerk
M Salmon

Apologies for absence
Cllr Clive Moles

Please note that due to Covid 19 restrictions, no other Councillors, either from the County or District, or members of the public were allowed to attend.

It should also be noted that the Annual Parish meeting, normally held in May, was cancelledfor the same reason and that proposed future meetings may be affected depending on Government restrictions.

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the Parish meeting held on 16th March 2020 were signed as a true and correct record.

Matters arising


Stableswood Farm, Wood Lane

Cllr Vanessa Hall reported that the above property owner(s) was proposing to submit a planning application to expand the existing caravan site, granted in a previous application, and provide a venue for various leisure activities/ conferences/ meetings for up to 150 people and necessary carparking facilities.

Although the site is within Thurlby Parish, Norton Disney Parish, as an adjoining one would be consulted and therefore needed to formulate a response.

It was agreed to follow Thurlby’s lead and this has subsequently been done. To date, no decision has been made by NKDC.

Roselea Turkey Farm

A discussion took place on the deteriorating condition of the buildings at the above property, not for the first time, and, in particular, the possible hazard to health which asbestos, being one of the construction materials used, posed.

This issue had been raised with NKDC 3 years ago, but, although the District Council undertook tokeep the Parish informed of their actions/decisions or otherwise, this had not been done until raised again by District Councillor Chris Spray at the January meeting, following which a site visit took place by District officials culminating in the matter being referred to their legal Department.

Following this meeting, correspondence has taken place between the respective councils which has been circulated. In a nutshell, NKDC has received advice suggesting that, at present, the condition of the buildings has not deteriorated sufficiently enough to warrant further action and thatthey were positioned in open countryside. The matter will be kept under review.

Villa Farm/Lincoln Protein

It was reported by the Clerk that he had received a phone call in late May by the manager of Lincoln Protein informing him that a new planning application for a rendering plant at Villa Farm, Folly lane would be forthcoming, including a picnic site and car park close to the BCGT site, and a building promoting the archaeological importance of the area. Also, that Category 3 material only would be rendered on site.

To date, no planning application has been received.

Bomber County Gateway Trust update

Although the Clerk reported that no report had been received this was incorrect as he later found a comprehensive report sent by Cllr Clive Moles which has been circulated seperately. Profuse apologies to Cllr Moles and grateful thanks for sending it.

Planning Applications/Decisions

One application received 20/0787/HOUS at 1 Swinderby Road for the construction of a double garage. The Parish Council supports the application.

Village Hall

A general discussion took place concerning the ownership/occupancy of the Village Hall whose committee have recently received a grant for improvements to the property.

Financial Report

As at 29th June 2020 funds in the Community account stood at £2842.87 having received the precept in April of £2630.00 and making payments of £1060.68 since the last meeting in March. Business Premium account stood at £1.14. Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 16th March 2020 were £6588.69, being the last notification received by SBS, other than one stating thatdeposit rates as from 24th July were being reduced to 0.01%.

AGAR Audit papers were duly signed by the Chair and Clerk, having been signed off by the Internal Auditor, since when the Certificate of Exemption for Smaller Authorities has been sent to the External Auditor and all necessary documents posted to the Parish website for public scrutiny.

Councillors comments / AOB

Potholes adjacent to Brills Farm and Data retention on the SID were mentioned.

Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was agreed, being Monday 21st September, subsequently amended to 28th 2020 SUBJECT TO REVIEW IN LIGHT OF CURRENT MEETING RESTRICTIONS.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 17.20 hrs.