March 2021 Minutes (1st)

A remote meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 1st March 2021 by Zoom.

Those attending were:    

Parish Councillors
Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Roy Husemeyer
Clive Moles
Tracey Whitton

District Councillor
Mary Green

The Parish Clerk
M Salmon

Apologies for absence

County Cllr Marianne Overton

District Councillor’s Report


County Councillor’s Monthly Report


The village SID

Cllr Tracey Whitton reported that although the SID was functioning, it was attached at too high a level to be effective in recognising vehicle number plates. So it will be attached to another post at a lower level, closer to Church Drive. Another post will have to be acquired and erected before it can be used effectively on Butt Lane.

Bomber County Gateway Trust / Planning applications

Cllr Moles’ reported that £90k was needed to complete the project and that Charlie White had planted 1million poppies which should be visible from the A46.

Application 20/1730/FUL made by Cole & Cole was submitted and subsequently withdrawn.

Application 20/1794/HOUS was submitted by the Sadler family for a single storey extension to their farmhouse which the Council supports.

Application 21/0283/LBC has been submitted in respect of River Farm, Clay lane for retrospective listed building approval and the Council has submitted a response of ‘No Objection’.

Village Notice Board

Ordered and delivered. It will be erected after the Village Hall fence has been replaced in late March.

Financial Report 

As at 28th February 2021 funds in the Community account stood at £2381.38  having made payments of £7833.43 since the September meeting and received funds totally £7777.46. Business Premium account stood at £1.14. Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 10th October 2020 were £6611.34 ( the last updated entry ).

Payments have been made for a new Village Hall heating system and a Gents toilet upgrade, a £50 donation to LALC in respect of the help received by Pete Langford for the new website, a £1000 donation to Norton Disney History and Archaeology Group, £431.95 to the Clerk for pay and expenses and £100 for grass cutting.

Councillors comments / AOB 

It was agreed that Richard Casburn should continue his grass cutting services in the Parish for another year.

Cllr Husemeyer raised the question of restoration work, or lack of it, in Breedon’s quarry, adjacent to the village. Subsequently, Ben Ayres has been approached to update the Council on Breedon’s plans and he will be joining the next meeting via zoom on Monday 29th March.

Cllr Hall informed the meeting of ‘Cross Country/ off road bikes causing a nuisance in the area with their activities. Two bikers have been caught.

Cllr Moles reported severe flooding to his property during the winter months, such that he has installed a submersible pump in an endeavour to alleviate the problem which, to a large extent has been caused by a lack of ditch and drainage work by local landowners/farmers.

Next Meeting

March 29th 2021 @ 5pm via zoom

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 18.00 hrs.