March 2019 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Wednesday 20th March 2019 in the Village Hall.

Those attending were:

Parish Councillors
Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Tracey Whitton
Clive Moles
Terry Johnson
And 9 members of the public.

The Parish Clerk
M Salmon

County and District Councillors
Marianne Overton MBE
Pat Woodman MBE

Apologies for absence
Sue Howe

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the Parish meeting held on 16th January 2019 were not signed at the meeting as 3 Parish Councillors had not received them. They were subsequently signed as a true and correct record after they had been agreed by all Parish Councillors.

Matters arising / Police Report

Police Report – a report of hare coursing on 20th January. Locally, however, there have been several churches targeted for their lead.

District Councillors’ Reports

Sue Howe – please see her report attached.

Pat Woodman MBE reported on Council Tax increases being very low, investment by NK in the area and Voting ID being trialled in our area on May 2nd.

Presentation by Neil Patchett, Hilltop graphics.

Neil set out options of size, detail and layout for the lecterns which were discussed at the January meeting. Having quoted for 3 large lecterns, it was later decided to seek a price for 1 smaller one.

Presentation by Matt Pettit, Embryo Angling Habitats Ltd.

Matt updated the meeting on the progress of work at Tonges Farm regarding fencing, stocking of Carp and proposals for carparking, the construction of a Lodge and catering and toilet facilities.

Mark Jarvis has been appointed Site Manager and starts on 21st March. The site is due to open in September.

Matt and Mark will be attending Mondays’ meeting with a view to update the meeting on footpaths and public access.

Bomber County Gateway Trust update

Cllr Clive Moles updated the meeting on progress.

The project is essentially in the Design phase. Fund raising events at RAF Cranwell and the Hammond Hall, Bassingham are scheduled for April / Spring 2019.

Update on Lincoln Protein Ltd.

An Environmental Impact Assessment report is currently due to be released in May/June which will then have to be considered by NKDC.

Planning Applications/Decisions


Financial Report

As at 28th February 2019 funds in the Community account stood at £1816.38 having made payments of £164.18 since the last meeting. Business Premium account stood at £4233.81.

Since the meeting, the Playing field account has been closed and funds of £3599.81, together withthose from the Business account as above have been deposited with the Skipton Building Society in a new account.

With regard to the cemetery, it was agreed to contract Pestforce for 12 months at a cost of £295 tocontrol the mole population. The meeting also agreed to set on Richard Casburn again to mow thecemetery and have the grass removed.

Councillors comments / AOB

Cllr Pat Gibson said there was a dearth of waste dog bins in the village. It was agreed that 2 should be ordered.

Cllr Johnson remarked on the show of daffodils in the village after 2 years of planting and hoped that this would continue.

He also mentioned it appeared that the field behind the Village Hall was being used for the disposal of trade waste. It was agreed that this information should be brought to the attention of NKDC.

On the news that Cllr Johnson would be retiring as a Parish Councillor at the forthcoming local elections on 2nd May, heartfelt thanks were given at the end of the meeting for his immense contribution to the Parish which he has made over many years and in so many diverse ways.

Next Meeting

The date of the Annual and next Parish meeting was arranged for MONDAY 13th May 2019.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 21.30hrs.