January 2020 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 in the VillageHall.

Those attending were:

Parish Councillor
Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Clive Moles
Roy Husemeyer
And 4 members of the public.

The Parish Clerk
M Salmon

County and District Councillors
Mary Green
Chris Spray

Apologies for absence
County Cllr Marianne Overton
Cllr Tracey Whitton

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the Parish meeting held on 18/11/ 2019 were signed as a true and correct record.

Matters arising

The issue of the drain taking water from the dyke around the Parish cemetery boundary has been raised with Steve Dorey, who farms the adjacent land, in an endeavour to locate the outlet and find out if there is an obstruction there impeding the flow of water. Since when Richard Casburn has been asked by the Clerk to clear both the inlet and outlet to the drain and any blockage. The work has been carried out and Richard confirms that water is flowing freely through the drain.

County & District Councillors’ Reports

County Cllr Marianne Overton was unable to attend due to an important prior engagement elsewhere, but wished to point out that she produces a monthly newsletter with all county and local issues covered. This can be viewed online. District Cllrs Mary Greens’/ Chris Sprays’ report is attached.

Village / Parish Trees

Cllr Clive Moles reported that Steve Howell had planted 2 trees on Main street, 1 Sorbus and 1 Prunus, as replacements to a tree which had been felled in error by District Council workmen some years ago and to a sapling which had died prematurely.

Update on Lincoln Protein’s application

NKDC, as consultee, voted unanimously to reject the application on 8th January, with one abstention.

A site visit by all County Councillors had been arranged for Monday 27th January prior to the application being determined on Monday 3rd February. As is now well known, Lincolnshire County Council voted unanimously to reject Lincoln Protein’s application. As at 23rd February 2020, it is not known whether Lincoln Protein will appeal this decision.

Bomber County Gateway Trust update

Cllr Clive Moles updated the meeting on progress. The podium supports were erected in late November. Work has started on the main frame of the aircraft. Fundraising continues.

Planning Applications/Decisions


Financial Report

As at 27th December 2019 funds in the Community account stood at £1495.23 having made payments of £277.83 since the last meeting. Business Premium account stood at £1.14. Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 10th January 2020 were £4354.89 having received a donation of £2000 from the ‘Lost Village Festival’ fund.
NKDC has requested that the necessary ‘Precept’ paperwork for the 2020/21 financial year shouldbe completed and returned by 31st January. This has been done, asking for a 5% increase.

Councillors comments / AOB

Cllr Vanessa Hall reported that at a recent Cluster meeting, individual Parish crime figures had been given for the previous 12 months and that 17 incidents occurring in the Parish had been reported to the Police, the second highest in the Cluster.

Next Meeting

The date of the next Parish meeting was arranged for Monday 16th March 2020.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 20.30 hrs.