March 2022 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 21ST March 2022 in the Village Hall.

Those attending were:    

Parish Councillors

Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Tracey Whitton
Clive Moles
Roy Husemeyer

The Parish Clerk
M Salmon

County and District Councillors

Mary Green

Apologies for absence


Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the Parish meeting held on 17th January 2022 were signed as a true and correct record.

Matters arising 


County & District Councillors’ Reports

In Cllr Marianne Overton absence, her monthly reports had been circulated to all Parish Councillors

District Cllr Mary Green’s monthly report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mary emphasised that further consultation had commenced on the revised Central Lincs Local Plan.

She also made reference to Planning Ref 21/1426/OUT, being for the construction of 2 dwellings @ Villa Farm, which had recently been approved by the District Council. On reflection, it could be argued that this decision and future implementation made the likelihood of a further rendering plant application on the site far less likely.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations

This will be held on Sunday afternoon 5th June outside the Village Hall for Parish residents where drinks and refreshments will be available.

Village Sign

Discussion took place on the state of the sign on the eastern edge of the village, which was in real danger of collapse due to both legs being corroded. Although Richard Fenwick ( Lincs Highways ) had agreed to repair the sign, it was agreed that Breedon Aggregates, The Lost Village and Embyro Angling should be approached concerning possible donations towards new signs for the village..

Planning Applications/Decisions in the period 16/01/22 – 21/03/22

21/1742/FUL, being for a detached dwelling on land off Newark Road – refused.

21/1777/FUL, being the subject of an approved earlier appeal by Cole & Cole for the construction of 2 dwellings on land behind the Village Hall – approved.

21/1426/OUT, as mentioned in District Councillor Mary’s report – approved.

PL/0084/21, Cemex @ Swinderby, being for phasing amendments and the transportation of minerals on site – approved.

PL/0105/21, Embryo Angling Habitats – approved.

Financial Report 

As at 25/02/2022 funds in the Community account stood at £1195.74 having made payments of £693.53 since the last meeting, £400 of which was to LCC for 2 metal posts on which SID is mounted. Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 10th March 2022 were £6645.34 & their interest rate had recently been increased to .6%.

Councillors comments / AOB

There was a discussion about taking down the ‘Rendering Plant Banners’ attached to field gates in the area and it was agreed that an approach be made to Witham Valley Action Committee.

The condition of the local roads was again raised and it was agreed that Lincolnshire Highways be approached regarding their intentions for repairing/resurfacing them during the 2022/23 financial year.

Cllr Moles updated the meeting on Bomber County Gateway Trust’s progress and Norton Disney History and Archaeology Group’s intentions regarding excavation projects during the autumn and stated that both are looking for funds. It was agreed that these requests would be considered in the light of available Parish funds in the new financial year.

Next Meeting

The date of the Annual and next Parish meeting was arranged for Monday 16th May 2022 @ 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 20.30 hrs.