July 2022 Minutes


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 18th July  2022 in the Village Hall.

Those attending were:    

Parish Councillors

Vanessa Hall
Pat Gibson
Clive Moles
Roy Husemeyer

The Parish Clerk

M Salmon

County and District Councillors
Marianne Overton
Mary Green

Apologies for absence


Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the Parish meeting held on 16th May 2022 were signed as a true and correct record.

Matters arising 

Cllr Hall reported that over 100 people from the Parish attended the Jubilee party held in the Village Hall on Sunday 5th June and a profit of £33 was made. Following its popularity, there was a brief discussion on whether a similar Xmas party should be held. This will be on the agenda at the next meeting.

County & District Councillors’ Reports

County Cllr Marianne Overton, running late due to a prior engagement, ‘received some flak’ on the condition of the Parish’s roads. Following which LCC Highways has carried out a substantial amount of ‘repair work’ to them.

District Cllr Mary Green’s monthly report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mary emphasised that, due to the current heatwave, bins need to out early. She also mentioned Covid 19 which had not ‘gone away’ and that booster jabs are recommended when available.

Planning Applications and Decisions in the period 16/5/2022 – 16/7/2022.

22/0786/HOUS – The Whisperings, Church Drive – single storey side extension, replacing conservatory and further alterations, which were supported and approved.


22/0467/VARCON – approved.

22/0516/FUL – approved. 

Financial Report 

As at 29/06/2022 funds in the Community account stood at £3299.20 having made payments of £1854.50 since the last meeting, £500 each to Bomber County Gateway Trust and Norton Disney History and Archaeology Group, Withamside Parochial Church £200, Zurich Insurance £226.42 as well as payments for grass cutting and to the Clerk. Funds held in the Skipton Building Society as at 10th July 2022 were £6660.20 & their interest rate had recently been increased to .9%.
Councillors comments / AOB

Cllr Moles mentioned that the Church field hedge adjoining Main Street was in need of cutting. Also that NDH&AG site dig would start during the first week of September and that parishioners were welcome to visit, subject to strict criteria only known to Cllr Moles.

Cllr Gibson raised the vexed issue of the state of the Parish’s roads – referred to in County Councillor’s report.

Cllr Husemeyer asked if Breedon Quarry had been approached regarding a site visit to view restoration progress close to the village. The Clerk stated that this had been followed up after a Zoom meeting in March 2021 where a visit had been agreed. However, since there had been no response, a further request would be made.

Next Meeting

The date of the next Parish meeting was arranged for Monday 19th September 2022 @ 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed @ 20.00 hrs.